This is what the average bus looks like in Panama:

Panama Red Devil

Actually, no, in all honesty, the average bus looks a little more like this:

plus exhaust

(Now featuring exhaust!)

But minus the smokyness and the unreliability and the disorganization and the people-piled-on-top-of-people-piled-on-top-of-people-falling-out-the-windows-and-doors and the middle-of-the-road-broken-down-and-abandoned, they’re pretty rad, right?

Each one is a retired U.S. school bus that’s been decked out with a custom design. Most even have a second “night look” featuring flashing neon lights and blaring music.

Lots of the owners of these buses opt for a classy airbrushing of their daughter’s Quinceañera photo on the backdoor. Others look to the Gospel for inspiration:

Red Devil now featuring Jesus

Others still go Hollywood (this is one of my personal favorites):

Red Devil Hulk Hogan

Yup, that’s Hulk Hogan tearing off his shirt as he sneers at your wimpy 2-door hatchback!

And boys, don’t miss this one:

Natalie Portman Red Devil

Padme Amidala, people!  And it’s for sale!