Sarah Designs the World!

(And blogs about it, too.)

Month: April 2012

Diablo Rojo

This is what the average bus looks like in Panama:

Panama Red Devil

Actually, no, in all honesty, the average bus looks a little more like this:

plus exhaust

(Now featuring exhaust!)

But minus the smokyness and the unreliability and the disorganization and the people-piled-on-top-of-people-piled-on-top-of-people-falling-out-the-windows-and-doors and the middle-of-the-road-broken-down-and-abandoned, they’re pretty rad, right?

Each one is a retired U.S. school bus that’s been decked out with a custom design. Most even have a second “night look” featuring flashing neon lights and blaring music.

Lots of the owners of these buses opt for a classy airbrushing of their daughter’s Quinceañera photo on the backdoor. Others look to the Gospel for inspiration:

Red Devil now featuring Jesus

Others still go Hollywood (this is one of my personal favorites):

Red Devil Hulk Hogan

Yup, that’s Hulk Hogan tearing off his shirt as he sneers at your wimpy 2-door hatchback!

And boys, don’t miss this one:

Natalie Portman Red Devil

Padme Amidala, people!  And it’s for sale!



MUJI is a Japanese company that’s making some simple, super-smart products.

Like these cotton swabs (aka Q-tips):

Muji cotton swabs

They’re about 2/3 the usual length for cotton swabs.

People only use the fluffy ends of these things, right? So what difference does it make how long the stems are? None — except when considering the quantity of materials that can be saved by implementing little changes like this.

Which is what MUJI wants us to consider:

“The aftermath of the earthquake only served to underline the awareness of truly appreciating the many wonderful things we take for granted in our daily lives. Increasing concern about our excessive consumption of goods and materials, as well as an over emphasis in the media on encouraging excessive consumption has been growing; the consumer society is in danger of consuming itself, and we now have a responsibility to return such out of control human desire to a more sustainable level.”

“MUJI constantly exercises self-restraint in the design and manufacture of its products; it can be frustrating reducing an item to its essentials, but with practice it becomes natural and even enjoyable.”

The wisdom of purchasing simple, quality, long-lasting items is really hitting home with me these days. When we left the U.S. we purged piles and piles and piles of STUFF, and now we’re starting from square one in our new home. We’ve decided only to buy things that we really love — that are beautiful and functional — and that we really need — and that we can really afford. Which means we actually haven’t bought anything at all quite yet! We’re on a strict financial diet as we attempt to save for some upcoming travel (and eventually a wedding!), which is forcing us to introspect even more about what we can live without. Kitchen table? Television? Sofa? No es necesario.

But to all you who ARE in the market, getcherselves something smart, like MUJI. :)

Discovered via this article on the quiet revolution.

True Freedom

I read this quote the other day, and it keeps coming into my head again and again.

So here it is, illustrator-ed:

True Freedom quote

Click the image to see it big.

“True freedom is the freedom from the past and the freedom from the future.”

Padma Sadhana T-Shirt

So there’s this awesome yoga practice called padma sadhana. It just takes about 45 minutes, and then suddenly you’re at the top of your game. We’re talking about a lot of energy, folks!

As such, it deserves a t-shirt:

padma sadhana t-shirt front

Padma Sadhana develops 5 qualities in you, and these are what the illustrations on the front of the t-shirt represent:

The base is a tortoise, which represents stability.
The second layer is the snake, which represents awareness.
Above the snake sits the lion, the symbol of grace.
Above the lion sits the Siddha, the perfect sage.
And above the perfect sage is the lotus, the symbol of full blossoming.

“When our yoga postures have all these five qualities – stability, awareness, grace, perfection and full blossoming, then the divinity dawns in us and that is Padma Sadhana.”

Padma Sadhana t-shirt back

Padma Sadhana t-shirt sleeve

P.S. These photos were taken at The Gamboa Rainforest Resort, where we stayed while my parents were visiting last weekend. It’s the REAL DEAL rainforest. We saw a monkey, sloth, crocodile, tarantula, all sorts of tucans and iguanas and butterflies, and lots more. Que bonitos!

P.P.S. Isn’t the t-shirt model handsome?