Get Cool Stuff is a non-profit up-cycle boutique. They provide training for women in underserved populations, giving them the skills to revitalize forsaken items and then sell the cool stuff they produce. Good for people. Good for the earth. What’s not to love?

Eventually their site will be more of an e-commerce platform, but for now it’s a cool web presence they can use as they gather funding and establish their storefront.

Since there isn’t too much content at this stage, I went with a one-page design, kept hip and interactive with some parallax scroll effects and CSS3 animations, none of which you can see in the screen shot below.

one page website


The parallax images actually look more like this:


parallax scroll


and this:


parallax scroll


Not quite sure why my Paparazzi Ap turned them into scary red and beige blobs.

In parallax scrolling, the background (in this case, the image) and the foreground (the text) scroll at different speeds, which creates a nice feeling in your tummy. Try it.

(Someday I’ll stop being so lazy and mock-up my screen shots in an empty browser window with Photoshop, the way a proper blogger/designer would, but that day is not today. So please shame me for my nerdy browser tabs and really lame bookmark folders and Inbox with 3,931 messages if you feel so inclined.)

Here’s a closer look at the content sections:


About Us page


hover content


On mobile, since there’s no hover, the “We Believe” circles aren’t so interactive:

We Believe on iPhone


That’s right folks. This site is responsive. Shouldn’t it go without saying? Can we please make responsiveness (responsivity?) mandatory?? (Full disclosure my own site isn’t responsive, but it’s a grandpa at three years old, so, give it some slack, will ya? He’s just trying to keep the weeds out of the garden and keep track of his teeth.)


responsive design presentation


Unfortunately the actual site isn’t responding as shown above because Go Daddy has some auto-redirect mobile bananas set up. But as soon as I get the client’s credentials to update the DNS, it’ll work like the beta site, captured above, and currently living on my non-Go Daddy and not-bananafied server.

Alright. Go getcher cool stuff.