Sarah Designs the World!

(And blogs about it, too.)

Tag: Art of Living (page 2 of 2)

True Freedom

I read this quote the other day, and it keeps coming into my head again and again.

So here it is, illustrator-ed:

True Freedom quote

Click the image to see it big.

“True freedom is the freedom from the past and the freedom from the future.”


I first fell in love with graphic design back in 2008. I was organizing Art of Living courses in my free time, and I needed some flyers to pass out. My resources were pretty limited at the time, but I dare say I scraped together some pretty decent looking stuff using Microsoft Paint and Office, and some old school (and pretty corny) scrapbooking software.

Regardless of the quality of work I produced, the experience was magical. I became so absorbed when designing. It was like there was nothing else in the world. My attention was 100% focused; my mind was 100% present.

Four years, a fully-loaded MacBook, and a design degree + career later, I’m still volunteering with the Art of Living Foundation in my free time, and still loving every minute of making course flyers. Here’s one I made yesterday for an upcoming Art of Silence course that’s happening here in Panama.

Art of Living Art of Silence flyer

(The Art of Silence course, by the way, is offered all over the world. And it’s a life-changing experience itself, something you should all give a go. It refreshes you like nothing else. You will go bonkers over how brand new you feel at the end of it.)

Hablas Espanol?

Me? Un poco. Mostly to my puppy, things like “Vamanos!” and “Hola muchacha!”

I’d like to learn more, and I’m finding making flyers for a friend in Panama to be good practice….

sesion de respiracion flyer

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