Sarah Designs the World!

(And blogs about it, too.)

Tag: typography (page 2 of 3)

Lettering Mis Amigos: Luis

To practice my hand-drawn type skills I’m doing a little series called “Lettering Mis Amigos” where I illustrate a defining characteristic of one of my peeps. Here’s Luis:


hand lettering

Lettering Mis Amigos: God

To practice my hand-drawn type skills I’m doing a little series called “Lettering Mis Amigos” where I illustrate a defining characteristic of one of my peeps. Here’s God:


hand-drawn type


Lettering Mis Amigos: Resha

To practice my hand-drawn type skills I’m doing a little series called “Lettering Mis Amigos” where I illustrate a defining characteristic of one of my peeps. Here’s Resha:


hand-drawn type

Happy birthday, Resha!

Lettering Mis Amigos: Zoran

To practice my hand-drawn type skills I’m doing a little series called “Lettering Mis Amigos” where I illustrate a defining characteristic of one of my peeps. Here’s Zoran:


hand-drawn type

Lettering Mis Amigos: Ivana

To practice my hand-drawn type skills I’m doing a little series called “Lettering Mis Amigos” where I illustrate a defining characteristic of one of my peeps. Here’s Ivana:


hand lettering

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