Sarah Designs the World!

(And blogs about it, too.)

Tag: graphic design (page 1 of 2)


Today I whipped up a couple versions of this poster because at least once a week I’m compelled to utter the apology within to the mister.

Does anyone else out there suffer from the hangries?

Hangry Poster


Hangry Poster - Donut


Hangry Poster - Pizza


Can you relate?

Download a free 8.5×11 PDF of your favorite version for your very own (or for the object of your hanger):


Enjoy, and keep that belly happy!

Yoga Workshop Flyer

So excited to launch the AM Yoga website in a couple weeks.

For a sneak peak of the style, here’s a flyer I whipped together for a recent workshop.

Yoga Workshop Flyer

Free Printable Valentine’s Day Cards

Made with love by yours truly.

Girl Crush Valentine's Day Card

Printable Valentine's Day card - High Five

Printable Valentine's Day Card - You are Hot

Free Printable Valentine's Day Card - xoxo

Download a PDF of all 4 designs, and enjoy!


A quote from the ancient Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita via the incomparable Philip Fraser: “Eat when you’re hungry. The proper amount. Food that suits you.”

Simple, eh?

If you ask me, so simple that it demands a poster! Et voila:

What to Eat


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